I remember when I told my parents I wanted to become a teacher...They weren't too excited about the whole idea. They actually tried to put me off teaching a bit...'It's really hard work,' they said. 'Teaching isn't well paid.You might struggle to pay your bills,' they worried. 'Working with children is exhausting,' they kept trying to convince me to choose another career.
Nevertheless, they supported me all the way through my studies and were very proud of me when I finally graduated and gained a Master's degree in TESOL.
That was 9 years ago and I've been teaching English as a foreign language ever since.
And YES, It hasn't been easy. I spend my free time on planning lessons, marking, looking for cool ideas, and thinking of engaging games. I teach in various places so I usually run from one place to another. Public transport has become my second home. Trust me, it's tiresome.
And YES, I'll probably never make a fortune. Fortunately, I can pay my bills. I can even afford nice holidays every now and again. Hell, I sometimes go crazy and get a new dress or two :)
And YES, not all of my students are angels and some of them require a lot of work. A LOT. An hour long lesson with a group of kids or teens can take up all my energy, and leave me with a pounding headache.
So yeah...teaching isn't a picnic. But I love it anyway. I love surprising my students with fun games and activities. I love watching them as they're becoming more confident users of English. I love bonding with them and listening about their friends, families, pets, life. It makes me very happy and proud to see them pass their exams or chat in English with their pen-pals. I even got to enjoy my underground journeys when I can read a book or listen to my favourite podcasts (acquired taste, I guess).
The last six years of ELT have been a pleasure for me. However, I've also met quite a few bitter, worn-out teachers who have grown very tired of teaching. I really don't want to become one of them in the future...In order to keep up with new methodologies, connect with other fellow teachers, exchange ideas, share materials and games, I've created Teachers' Pot.
You've probably already guessed I like drinking tea :D
I want to spice up my teaching and avoid burnout. I hope you can help me :)
Feel free to like my facebook page to be up-to-date with my teaching discoveries.
Teachers' Pot Facebook Page
I want to spice up my teaching and avoid burnout. I hope you can help me :)
Feel free to like my facebook page to be up-to-date with my teaching discoveries.
Teachers' Pot Facebook Page
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